Blog Archive

Thursday, February 10, 2011

WHINE! Whine! Wine?

It is snowing. It has been snowing for hours. Each time I think it's time for moderation... a banner on one of the three columns on our state flag... they predict snow. If I liked snow I'd move to northern Europe, north of the Mason-Dixon Line, Colorado, Alaska or some other uninhabitable place on the planet.
Mia Culpa! We're in great shape compared to the mid-wheast (It's an American in-joke), Northeast US and , alas, the Aussie floods. Still, I've done little lately other than write, make sure I have enough food/supplies to be marooned for awhile, celebrate never-ending family birthdays and generally survive cabin fever. Busy Busy Busy!
And the upcoming wedding in the family, my oldest grandson's, is beginning. First party for moi to attend is on the 19th. The groom had his bachelor party in Vegas last weekend with half the US airports closed and dudes due in from the west coast, North Dak etc.
Most of my current writing still at the back-up research stage. Have six books in front of me and on an important quote, two say his majestie's and two say her majestie's (we're talking 17th century, European non-fiction here so it matters!). Finally resolved that conflict with my 1930s french book. They're both sa majestie so a matter of personal choice. Such is the life of a writer.
Still snowing but I'm good. Have humus, tarragon chicken salad, lots of other food and wine.
Hmmm... need to check on other essentials like when in the world can I dispose of my garbage and recycling.